Saturday, February 20

EASY but Delicious :-)

Here's a little bitty mini tutorial for you

Peanut Butter Chocolate Marshmallows



Peanut Butter
Mini Chocolate Chips

Most people probably know how to make these its just an idea for a snack when your sitting at home and you want to eat something sweet but don't know what.
The first step it take your marshmallows and dip the top in peanut butter.

Next dip the end that's covered in peanut butter in mini chocolate chips.


They should look like this when your finished: (Only without the face...)

Oh, one more step that I forgot, eat them!

Thanks for looking


P.S. Like the little marshmallows I made on Paint? Haha =)

Wednesday, February 10

Fried Plaintains

Hello! Well, here in central Pennsylvania, it's still snowing. The record for the most snow was 30.3 inches way back in 1893... It's been broken :-P haha. But being stuck inside with no school, is such a wonderful time to cook.

Anyway, today I'm gonna show you how to make fried plantains. I found this recipe on the internet somewhere, so I can't take credit for it, but I took my own pictures of how I did it and would really like to share it with you because they are sooooo tasty ♥

You start out by putting half an inch of vegetable oil in a pan and bringing it up to 325 degrees, or medium heat.

Peel the plantain. If you don't know how that's done click this link on How To Peel A Plantain.

Next cut it into about inch wide circle pieces.

Then place them in the hot oil and fry them for two minutes on each side. Then take them out and let them cool for about five minutes.

The next step, if you have a plantain press you can use that to press them flat. (Of course, if you have a plantain press you probably already know how to make theses haha). So if you don't you can put the circles in between two layers of plastic wrap and press then flat with the bottom of a cup, the palm of your hand or a meat tenderizer. Don't beat it silly though, just kind of press or tap it so you don't kill it.

(I did mine with the bottom of a cup ^)

The Next step will be to put them back into the oil (At the same heat as before) and let them fry for 4 minutes on each side this time.

After that take them out and put them on a plate with a paper towel on it (to drain off any excess oil). When they are cool enough to eat, salt them and eat them!

They are extremely delicious. The outsides get a little crunch and the inside stay more squishy (not gross squishy though, like the insides of a good french fry). I like to eat them with ketchup but you can dip them in whatever you want or just eat them plain.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment :-)


Saturday, February 6

Snicker Doodles!

What do you do when there's two feet of snow outside, its cold and you can't leave the house because the roads are so bad?

You bake snicker doodles!!

For those of you who don't know what snicker doodles are, they are reeeeeally delicious cookies that are rolled in cinnamon and sugar before they are baked. They are quite yummy =)

The Recipe

1 Cup of Butter

1 1/2 Cups of sugar

2 Eggs

2 3/4 Cups of Flour

2 Teaspoons of Cream of Tartar

1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda

First you mix the butter and sugar together and the add the eggs. Once all those are mixed thoroughly together, you can add the tartar, backing soda an the flour.
If its sticky and/or hard to roll into balls, then you can chill it in the fridge. If its not the you can just start to roll it into balls. The balls should be about the size of a medium strawberry (only round, obviously haha).

Next, you mix together 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon together in a bowl and roll the balls of dough around in it until they are covered:

Once they are rolled place them on a cookie sheet and press them just a little bit so they are slightly flattened on the top:

Bake them at 350 degrees for ten minutes. When they are done put them on a wire cooling rack:

Then eat 'em!

If you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask =)


Saturday, January 23

Dr. Who Scarf

Well, today I'm going to show you the beginning of my most recent on-going project.

My Dr. Who scarf!

So first I need to tell you that I am a sci-fi lover! I can't get enough of the stuff, call me a nerd if you like (it doesn't bother me because I know I am :-P) but I love it :-) My favorite is stuff from the 50's to the 80's or 90's. New stuff is OK, but vintage is wonderful. I love the tacky monsters who are all made out of rubber and I love the horrible special effects. Well, now that you know I love sci-fi, I'll let you know that Dr. Who is my favorite show. For those of you who don't know what it is... Well it takes to long to describe it so Google it or read here. Well the old ones are my favorite and Tom Baker was my favorite Doctor. During his time as the doctor he always had an excessively long, absolutely wonderful, scarf.

^It looks like this, it goes down and touches the ground on either side. It's magnificent.

I've always wanted one, but you can't buy ones that look just like his, and I really like homemade things. Last week I was watching this ThreadBanger video and there was a man who said he'd seen Dr. Who scarves around the internet. And I immediately thought to Google them. (I have NO idea why I'd never thought to do that before....) And alas and behold, I found this fantastic website: Doctor Who Scarf Site. It's a fantastic website that gives you all the details and an easy how-to on how to make the scarf. Well, of course, I decided I needed to make one. So now you know all about Dr. Who and his fantastic scarf, here is the beginning of mine:

The first of the yarns I've got:

The backside of the first two stripes:

The front side:

And again:

So as you can tell, it's no where near finished, haha, but I have don't have more of the colors of yarn that I need for the next stripes, but I ordered two more colors today and will order the rest next pay day.

Anyway, just thought that would be my thought for the day :-)

Thanks for looking!!


P.S. Notice my font matches the scarf? :-P

Friday, January 22

Watermelon Cake and Rainbow Cake

So this past year for my birthday I wanted a reeeally cool cake and I had the exact one I wanted in my head. So I decided to make one myself :-)
It was super easy to make and I loved the way it turned out :-)

You just take-
*Any store bought angel food cake mix (Unless you want to make it yourself)
*Food Coloring
*Heavy Whipping Cream
*Chocolate Chips

First you mix up your angel food cake batter. Then you dump in enough red food coloring until its the color you want it (somewhere close to watermelon color). Next you take two or so smaller handfuls of chocolate chips and mix it into the batter. Then, bake it in two thin round pans.
While the cakes are cooling off you can make the whipped cream.
Store bought whipped cream is good, but homemade whipped cream is the best :-). Take a pint of whipping cream and tablespoon of sugar (you can double or even triple this recipe depending on how much whipped cream you want to end up with, (its one tablespoon of sugar for each pint of cream.) I don't remember exactly how much we used on this cake, but you can always just eat any extras :-P) All you do is whip the two with a hand mixer or a whisk until its as sturdy as you like it and then add in green food coloring. When the cakes are cool all you have to do is ice them and viola! Delicious watermelon cake! :-)

Here's how my cake turned out:

The outside:

The inside:
The chocolate chips look like seed in the pink inside so when you cut into its like a slice of watermelon :-)

The next day we had lots of whipping cream left over and I had really been wanting to try this Rainbow Cake tutorial I found a link to on ThreadBanger. Here are my results (I used lighter food coloring so my colors were more pastel, whereas theirs were brighter):

All the separate bowls of batter:

Once they were all mixed together before they were baked:

The final product from the outside

With a slice out of it:

It was delicious and purdy :-) I just used the a fore mention tutorial on angel food cake and added my own whipped cream icing :-)

*Phew!* Long post haha :-) Thanks for looking! Hope I inspired you to make more cake :-P

~Courtney :-)

Thursday, January 21

Tutorial that I promised months ago....

Well here's the tutorial I promised oh so long ago. Its just created on paint, but hopefully it will be easy enough to understand :-) Shirt one refers to the picture of the shirt on the left and shirt two refers to the picture of the shirt on the right. If you have any questions at all feel free to comment :-)

Talk to anyone who's out there later :-) Thanks for looking!

Hehe, Oops!

Well fail at life. I haven't blogged in what, six months? Me and blogging aren't the best of pals. The main reason I don't blog very often is because I say in one post that I am going to have something specific in my next post but when it comes time for my next post then I don't want to or am not able to do it.... Then I feel guilty and don't want to blog. So from now on if I blog I will not be saying what will be coming in the next post.

Hopefully I'll keep on truckin' and keep blogging. We'll see :-)