Wednesday, February 10

Fried Plaintains

Hello! Well, here in central Pennsylvania, it's still snowing. The record for the most snow was 30.3 inches way back in 1893... It's been broken :-P haha. But being stuck inside with no school, is such a wonderful time to cook.

Anyway, today I'm gonna show you how to make fried plantains. I found this recipe on the internet somewhere, so I can't take credit for it, but I took my own pictures of how I did it and would really like to share it with you because they are sooooo tasty ♥

You start out by putting half an inch of vegetable oil in a pan and bringing it up to 325 degrees, or medium heat.

Peel the plantain. If you don't know how that's done click this link on How To Peel A Plantain.

Next cut it into about inch wide circle pieces.

Then place them in the hot oil and fry them for two minutes on each side. Then take them out and let them cool for about five minutes.

The next step, if you have a plantain press you can use that to press them flat. (Of course, if you have a plantain press you probably already know how to make theses haha). So if you don't you can put the circles in between two layers of plastic wrap and press then flat with the bottom of a cup, the palm of your hand or a meat tenderizer. Don't beat it silly though, just kind of press or tap it so you don't kill it.

(I did mine with the bottom of a cup ^)

The Next step will be to put them back into the oil (At the same heat as before) and let them fry for 4 minutes on each side this time.

After that take them out and put them on a plate with a paper towel on it (to drain off any excess oil). When they are cool enough to eat, salt them and eat them!

They are extremely delicious. The outsides get a little crunch and the inside stay more squishy (not gross squishy though, like the insides of a good french fry). I like to eat them with ketchup but you can dip them in whatever you want or just eat them plain.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment :-)


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