Wednesday, May 20

The 3 Most Inspiring Animals

Today I'm going to share with you the three most inspiring animals. Or at least in my opinion.

1. First off, Octopi, they are so amazing!!!

They are so neatly colored and pretty! You can make so many things resembling them. For example in my last post, OctopusMe, has some pretty amazing octopi themed things. If your interested in learning more about octopi look at this blog- A very intriguing blog.

2. Next Elephants.

Elephants are so beautiful! They are so powerful and big. Here's something Elephant-ish for you to gain inspiration from. Are those not the cutest things ever?! And did you know elephants come in a variety of colors?

(if you don't know what movie these^ are from you NEED to watch Dumbo. Or at least the Pink Elephants Song, tis amazing!!) Why not make something with Pink Elephants on it? That would be awesome.

3. Last but not least Giraffes.

Awwwwww!!!!! ^

They are so adorable. And are little kid giraffe costumes the cutest thing?

I think a cute project would be a giraffe head band. You could take a head band and cover it in giraffe fabric, or even just plain brown fabric and attach little brown pom-poms onto springs and put them on top. Cute!

Now for some etsy-giraffe cuteness this little stuffy. How cute is that?

Thanks for looking! Hope you were inspired!!

~Courtney ♥

Saturday, May 16

Awesome Etsy Finds!

So I've made a list of really cool shops and individual items to look at on Etsy. Just a bunch of my most favorite things.

First off, just searching TBGuild, you can fins things made by ThreadBanger forum members. They are all very talented and make really awesome stuff.

Next I've fallen head over heels in LOVE with MountainGirlClothing's halter tank tops they are so amazing, as soon as I have money I'm going to buy one, they are so adorable!

3rd, I know shameless advertising.... But here is my shop. I make up cycled bags mostly, till I pick up a bit in the business area.

4th ArtbyheatherSupplies has oodles of really cool supplies and neat things to craft and make jewelry with, pus, she has bingo chips!! I love bingo chips! They remind me of those little tiny colorful sunglasses worn in the sixties.

I also fins my self returning again and again to audreyandgrace's shop to look at there beautiful dresses. They are so amazing! One of my favorites is this one, it's got lots of vintage appeal. I really love the colors.

I'm also madly in love with any tentacle earrings. And there are plenty to choose from on etsy. Check out these by cashewandalmonds. They are so awesome! If you are stretching your ears they are amazing! Also for those of you who have average sized ear holes, there's these ones by OctopusMe. They are wicked awesome!! Also OctopusMe has many other fantastic things that are all made from REAL, yeah that's right REAL octopus!! 0.0 It's really awesome,it's all cast in silver, really neat. All amazing, I love octopi so this shop is one of my favorites.

And these little neck warmers by Etnyk are so adorable and they are all soft and cuddly you can't help but love 'em!

And on the subject of neck warming devices, this is sooooo awesome! Its like a chain, but knitted, way too awesome. It's by FiBreRomance. Also this bonfire scarf. Too cool! It looks like your neck is on fire. It's made by minedalgic.

Thanks for looking!!

Sunday, May 10

Arts In The Park and Etsy

So I haven't posted in a while because I was busy with Arts in The Park (an art show for artists to sell their wares in the park of my town), and didn't have the time to blog!
It was over all a good expeirence, although I didn't sell much, but I put alot of effert into the items I made. Although with the things I didn't sell I started up my Etsy Shop!!!! I already made a sell! (even if it was just my aunt!☺)

I sold this bag:

Just from the front ^

The inside/lining

Button detail^

This bag was made from a burnt orange colored corduroy skirt and some Garfield sheets. I really liked this one, and my dad says that it was one of his favorites as well.

At some point I would like to make a tutorial for a lined bag, I will have to take a break from sewing for a while though!

Thanks for looking!
